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Swimmers in Huddle at Tanterra (Photo: Eric Kantor)
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Swim Meet 101

If you're new to summer swimming, you may find these tips helpful: 

  • MCSL meet structure
    • All MCSL meets have the same set of events in the same order with each age group swimming each of the four strokes (Freestyle, Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly) and an IM (Individual Medley)
    • A Meets are held on Saturday mornings
    • B Meets are held on Wednesday evenings and do not include the relay events

  • Swimmer and volunteer check in procedure
    • Swimmers should arrive 15 minutes before warm-ups
    • Volunteers should arrive 30 minutes before the start of the meet, except parking attendants who should arrive at least an hour before the meet start, and report to the team representatives in the red team shirts

  • What to bring
    • Each swimmer should wear their meet swimsuit and be sure to have their goggles and cap with them
      • The meet swimsuit does not have to be a GPST team suit
    • Bring at least one big fluffy towel for the time in-between events
    • It's a good idea to have a spare pair of goggles and a spare cap just in case

  • Snack suggestions
    • Most meets will offer concessions, but feel free to pack snacks and drinks for you and your swimmer.

  • Timeline
    • A meets start at 9:00 AM with warm-ups starting at 8:00 AM for home meets and 8:30 AM for away meets; they're usually finished between 11:00 AM and 12:00 PM
    • B meet start times vary depending on the pool with home meets usually starting at 5:00 PM and normally ending by 9:00 PM
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